Wow – a very rare 20g Lefever F grade….

Lefevers are my favorite American double barrel shotguns (OK, one of my favorites). Twenty gauge Lefevers are tough to come across, and as you go up in grades, they get scarcer and scarcer. Throw in some condition and you have a gun that’s almost impossible to come by. They’re out there, but few of them ever hit the open market.

20g Lefever F grade double barrel shotgun
20g Lefever F grade double barrel shotgun

So this 20 gauge F-grade Lefever side-by-side is a very rare gun – especially with it’s 28″ barrels, straight stock, and single trigger. But it does have an issue. I’m not so sure about the checkering on the butt stock. The pattern just doesn’t look right to me.


20g Lefever F grade double barrel shotgun
20g Lefever F grade double barrel shotgun
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