Wow – a modern 8 gauge side by side…

Modern 8 gauge side by side, Made in Italy, 39" bbls
Modern 8 gauge side by side, Made in Italy, 39″ bbls

Here’s a side-by-side shotgun that won’t be around for long: an Italian 8 Gauge SxS, Made in 1962.

In 1918, the US Federal Government made it illegal for anyone to use an eight gauge shotgun to hunt waterfowl and other federally-listed migratory game birds. Later, many states restricted hunting shotguns to 10 gauge and smaller.

Modern 8 gauge side by side, Made in Italy, 39" bbls
Modern 8 gauge side by side, Made in Italy, 39″ bbls

Of course, these laws didn’t apply in Europe, and it’s still legal in many areas there to hunt ducks, geese, and other waterfowl with the really big bores.

This 8-gauge shotgun was made for that kind of shooting. Judging by the looks of it, it looks like wasn’t used much at all. Here are the specs on it:

Price: $1,999.99
Manufacturer: 1962
Caliber: 8 Gauge.
Chambers: Side X Side.

Modern 8 gauge side by side, Made in Italy, 39" bbls
Modern 8 gauge side by side, Made in Italy, 39″ bbls

Metal Condition: Strong blue and case color.
Wood Condition: Excellent with crazing and flaking in the finish.
Bore Condition: Bright and shiny.
Barrels: 39+” Blue Acier steel.
Triggers: Double.
Stock: Mid grade walnut with a checkered pistol grip.
Fore End: Semi splinter checkered walnut.
Butt Pad: Red rubber vent butt pad.
Weight: 13 Lbs 12 Oz.

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