Woodcock have arrived in Maine…

Spring has arrived in Maine – I don’t care what the calendar says. Puck and I spend about an hour today poking around for woodcock. She had a great time. Just look at the smile on her face.

Puck, March 2010

The middle of March is early for woodcock in Maine. But with the warm weather, I thought we might see some. I was right. We moved one. Puck handled the bird like a champ. She pointed it, but the bird ran off by the time I moved in for the flush. I released Puck and she relocated it. This time the bird held. It was nice to see him fly off, twittering at me the whole time.

Good bye winter. Hunting season is less than 7 months away.

I also some signs of success from years past. How cool are those purple 16 gauge shells?

Puck Pointing Woodcock, March 2010
Hen Pheasant Feathers, 16 gauge shell
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