Will climate change kill off sharp-tailed grouse?

Sharp-tailed grouse, photo by Glenn Bartley/VIREO, from Audubon.org site
Sharp-tailed grouse, photo by Glenn Bartley/VIREO, from Audubon.org site

The more I hear about temperatures rising across the globe, the more I worry about how these changes will impact the upland game birds we love to hunt. This piece from Project Upland touches on how on what’s might happen to one species to sharp-tailed grouse. It’s worth checking — and keeping in mind when it’s to vote for local, state, and national politicians.

HOW CLIMATE CHANGE IS AFFECTING SHARP-TAILED GROUSE: A Look into the Factual Science of Sharp-tailed Grouse and their Future

Sharp-tailed grouse, photo by John Cancalosi/VIREO, from Audubon.org site
Sharp-tailed grouse, photo by John Cancalosi/VIREO, from Audubon.org site

The author writes: “I reviewed several studies from prominent sharp-tailed grouse researchers and agency reports to get a clearer picture of this very real issue. I encourage you to keep an open mind and read through the whole article below before making any preliminary judgments.”

Photo by Brian E. Small/VIREO, from Audubon.org
Photo by Brian E. Small/VIREO, from Audubon.org

Read the entire article now: HOW CLIMATE CHANGE IS AFFECTING SHARP-TAILED GROUSE: A Look into the Factual Science of Sharp-tailed Grouse and their Future

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