Turkeys beware: A bargain 12g J.P. Sauer SxS that’s perfect for gobblers…

12 gauge J.P. Sauer Double Barrel SxS Shotgun
12 gauge J.P. Sauer Double Barrel SxS Shotgun

As Thanksgiving winds down, it’s time to start thinking about next year.  This double barrel should be perfect for putting a gobbler on the table in 2014.

It’s a 12 gauge J.P Sauer side-by-side with 30″ barrels choked full and full, double triggers, ejectors, and a 14 1/2″ LOP. It’s a heavier gun – 7lbs, 10ozs, – so with a little luck it’s proofed for 2 3/4″ shells and heavy loads.

12 gauge J.P. Sauer Double Barrel SxS Shotgun
12 gauge J.P. Sauer Double Barrel SxS Shotgun

It’s on Gunbroker.com now and the listing ends 11/29/2013 @ 10:51:27 PM ET. Here’s more about it from the seller:

12 gauge J.P. Sauer Double Barrel Shotgun, 30″ bbls: Wood very clean with minor marks. Case colors mostly faded out, some left on the top portion of the action. Barrels retain most of their original finish. Has 30″ barrels choked full and full with excellent bores. Locks up tight, has barrel extension and cross bolt and ejectors.

12 gauge J.P. Sauer Double Barrel SxS Shotgun
12 gauge J.P. Sauer Double Barrel SxS Shotgun
12 gauge J.P. Sauer Double Barrel SxS Shotgun
12 gauge J.P. Sauer Double Barrel SxS Shotgun
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