Three great doubles on the market right now….

Here are three great double barrel shotguns on the market right now. Today. As we speak.

12 gauge Heym Double Barrel Shotgun at Hallowell Co.
12 gauge Heym Double Barrel Shotgun at Hallowell Co.

First is this pair of 12g Boss side-by-sides at Lewis Drake’s. Boss & Co. made some of the finest doubles ever. This pair is a great example of just how beautiful they can be.

Second is  this Belgian 12 gauge boxlock ejector. In great shape, well made, in excellent condition — this is a TON of gun for the money.

Finally is this Fr. Wm. Heym ,Grade 4A Boxlock Ejector . This is just a pretty gun. From the French Walnut stock to the engraving, it’s all gorgeous.


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