Piotti King Extra, Double Barrel Shotgun, 12 Gauge: 27″ barrels, improved & improved modified, straight grip, double triggers, splinter forend, makers case. Excellent plus. Price: $24,950
Garbi Model 101 Side-by-Side 28 gauge Shotgun: Two bbl set: 28″ improved and modified, 30″ full and modified. Raised file cut rib, $800 wood upgrade. New. Price: $9500.00

AyA No. 2 20ga SxS shotgun: A new shotgun with 29″ barrels, 2 3/4″ chambers, a straight grip stock 14 3/4″ LOP; 1 3/8″ DAC; 2 1/4″ DAH, splinter forend. Price: $5,799.99

Fox A Grade 20 Gauge – PHILLY GUN, ULTRALIGHT, 5 1/2LBS: Sn 202455, made in 1926. The factory original (uncut) 26″ number 4 weight Chromox Steel barrels retain 97% blue, clear lettering, mirror bores, 2 3/4″ chambers, 2 3/4″ chambers, tight ribs, no dents or dings, extractors, barrels tight on breech face and hinge pin, bore diameter .619, choked IC/IC (.010 each barrel, can be altered to your choice within 21 days of purchase), minimum barrel wall thickness 20 thou right, 27 thou left, barrels tight on breech face and hinge pin. The action is tight with lever waaay right of center. The factory butt stock is uncut retaining most of a new Truoil finish, 14 3/8″ to the factory butt plate, 2 5/8″ drop at heel, 1 1/2″ drop at comb, 1/8″ cast off, excellent checkering, no cracks or splits, great wood to metal fit, and really great modern dimensions. One of 2000 Philly A Grade 20ga. guns ever made (2379 total A Grades including Savage guns). Price: $5,495.00

Belgian Browning 20ga superposed RKLT Over Under Shotgun: Round knob,long tang gun built in 1959 .28″ barrels choked modified and full.141/4″ LOP over an early pad.95% wood and metal finish remaining and all original. Price: $2,995.00