JOSEPH MANTON 16 BORE PERCUSSION BALL & SHOTGUN: 32″ twist steel barrels, stepped at 22 1/2″ from the muzzle and intended for ball as well as shot. The barrel legend reads “JOSEPH MANTON & SON, 6 HOLLES STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, LONDON”. Serial number 10651 and listed in the Manton book with a full description including the stepped barrel. Cased in a magnificent pigskin lined oak box by John Dickson & Son’s for Charles Gordon around 1890. It is in mint condition with all of the accessories that include both shot flask and mold. Price: $24,500.00

Parker DHE 20 Ga Double Barrel Shotgun: Ser. No. 229262. 20 Ga.- 26″ barrels choked .010″/.020″. PG, SF, rear position SST. 13 5/8″ pull to a skeleton butt.- drop- 1 1/2″ to 2 1/4″. A wonderful bird gun. Price: $12,500.00
Winchester Model 21 – 16 ga – 2 Bbl Set – 26″ and 30″ – Cased – – Provenance to Carnegie Family: 1937 –

Winchester Model 21 – Skeet Grade – 16ga, 26″, 2-3/4″, WS-1 / WS-1 AND 16ga, 30″, 2-3/4″, IC / F. Original LOP is 13-1/4″ with Drop of 1-9/16″ to 2-7/16″, Weight 6 lbs. 12 oz. Metal is absolutely original – not reblued. Finish on wood appears original. Includes a period A.H. Hardy case – set up for 26″ and 30″ Barrels. Price: $9,500.00
ITHACA GRADE 5 ENGRAVED DOUBLE BARREL 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN: Boxlock, 32” barrels, excellent bores, full coverage engraving in floral motifs with pheasant and partridge scenes on the sides and a bald Eagle on the underside. Fancy checkering on splinter forearm and pistol grip buttstock. Deluxe walnut generally very nice with a couple of coats of lacquer having been added, some chips of finish have been knocked off buttstock from use; original hardrubber buttplate. Considerable darkened receiver case colors present, most gold wash remains on double triggers, 90%+ blue on barrels. Overall, a fine gun. Price: $ 6,500.

FOX A GRADE Double Barrel Shotgun LATE STYLE ENGRAVING 12 GAUGE WITH EJECTORS AND 30″ BARRELS: A nice late syle engraved Fox A Grade 12 gauge. This gun has 30″ barrels with perfectly timed ejectors. Gun has good original condition. Barrels as original with right barrel at .723 bore and 20/1000 choke (Modified) and Left at .724 bore with 34/1000 choke (Full). Tight on face. No Loose ribs. Solid gun. Weight is 7 LBS 13 OZ. Shipping is $35. Stock dimensions follow. LOP – 14 3/8″ to non-original buttplate. Drop at Comb – 1 3/4″. Drop at Heel – 3 3/8″. Price: $2,500