A hundred years, most of New England was excellent grouse cover, especially north of Boston and up into southern New Hampshire and Maine. As people abandoned their small farms for jobs in the factory towns, mother nature took over and turned the old sheep pastures and apple orchards into prime grouse and woodcock cover.

The guys alive then hunted a world that will never be again. I think of them sometime, and of all the birds they used to see. When I do, I imagine them carrying a gun like this Parker as they follow a setter through hundreds of acres of grouse dreamland.

Parker VH – 16g – SxS- Shotgun: Presented for you today is a pre-owned Parker VH 16 gauge shotgun. Carrying serial number 236444 this desirable American side by side was originally manufactured in 1934 in Parker’s Meriden, CT factory. Metal condition: 40% original case color, trigger guard burnished to white, engraving crisp, screws excellent. Very good rust blue on barrels. Excellent bore. Wood condition: Very good original condition with very good original checkering; 3/4″ Silvers pad (hard) with remnants of leather cover. Serial Number: 236444 Metal Condition: 40%, Bore Condition: Excellent, Action: Boxlock, Gauge: 16 Stock Dimensions: 1-1/2″ x 2-5/8″ x 14-1/2, Butt Pad: Silvers recoil pad,LOP: 14-1/2″, Chokes: Full/Modified Grips: Checkered Pistol. Price: $4,000