A double-barrel shotgun is a couple barrels, an action, a trigger or two, some walnut, and a few other parts.
Sometimes, though, it can be a whole lot more, too. While this 12 gauge L.C. Smith Field may look like it’s just a nice SxS with a ton of original condition, the story behind it turns it into a unique treasure that deserves to be cherished:
“The times were hard on the farm in Eastern South Dakota in 1949 but Mom and the kids got $78 together and bought Dad the 12 gauge he always wanted. L. C. Smith #48894 was under the Christmas tree in 1949. Dad was one of the first Americans involved in the Korean War as part of the U.S. Army’s 1st Battalion, 34th Regiment, 24th Division. Dad never returned from the heavy action in Korea and the fall of 1950 before Pheasant season #48894 was oiled and put away, literally forever.”

L. C. SMITH- 12 BORE THAT REMAINS as NEW & APPEARS UNFIRED- 98% ORIG COND- 1949- 28″ Bbls.- 99% ORIG CASE COLORS: #FWS 48894, L.C. Smith Gun Company Field Grade Featherweight 12 Bore Made in 1949 that Remains Almost as New; Original Condition and it Appears Unfired, 28″ Armor Steel Extractor barrels at .732 .028 & .041″ (Imp.Mod. & Full), 2 3/4″chambers, Double Triggers, Splinter forend, Pistol grip stock at 14 1/4 x 1 1/2 x 2 9/16″ over the factory buttplate, 7 lbs. 7 oz. This piece retains 96% original vivid barrel blue, The total original case colors remain at 99% including the top lever, The breech face has 100% case colors, The trigger guard and triggers retain 98% blue, The butt and forend has the original finish and remains at 99% with a few very light handling marks only, The checkering remains at 100%, The trigger faces have 100% blue, The barrels inside are literally new, The left barrel has an area of surface corrosion about the size of 2 pencil erasers, The very toe of the buttplate has a 3/16″ piece missing, I do believe the piece was never fired. Here is almost like buying it new in 1949, they don’t get much better condition than this piece.
The times were hard on the farm in Eastern South Dakota in 1949 but Mom and the kids got $78 together and bought Dad the 12 gauge he always wanted. L. C. Smith #48894 was under the Christmas tree in 1949. Dad was one of the first Americans involved in the Korean War as part of the U.S. Army’s 1st Battalion, 34th Regiment, 24th Division. Dad never returned from the heavy action in Korea and the fall of 1950 before Pheasant season #48894 was oiled and put away, literally forever. If only guns could talk! Price: $2,495