The hammer falls, and the results are in on the Boss…

So the hammer fell on lot #178 in Gavin Gardiner’s 4/18 Spring Fine Modern and Vintage Sporting Guns.

Boss at Gavin Gardiner's, Lot 178
Boss at Gavin Gardiner's, Lot 178

Lot 178: Boss & Co., 12-bore single trigger assisted opening sidelock ejector, No. 6364

The results……….no sale! Most likely  this means that the final hammer price did not exceed the reserve left on the lot.

I’m not sure what the reserve was. But at some auctions, a lot’s reserve price is the same as its low estimate.
Lot #178’s low estimate was £16,000.

You can read more about this here and here.

BTW: I should add that today a new stock and barrels by Boss will easily cost more than £16,000.



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