Of all the odd-ball shotguns I’ve handled, from Darnes and Manufrance Ideals to Lancaster 4-bbls, the SuperBritte is my favorite and the only one I would like to own. Unlike those other weird guns, the SuperBritte’s quirkiness is a benefit–instead of an impediment.

While the side-opening action and sidelever look odd, they made the gun extremely trim, lively, and easy to use. Learning how to operate a SuperBritte takes a box of shells or so. Then you discover it’s as easy to shoot as a SxS, but with pointability and precision of an OU.

A Belgian gunmaker named Theophile Britte patented the “SUPERBRITTE” side-opening OU shotgun in 1931. “Super” refers to “superimposed” (French for Over Under). Britte — obviously — his name and the name of well-known Belgian gunmaker.

The Britte gunmaking company built SuperBrittes from 1932 to 1936. Only 250 of them were completed. Sometime in the 1990s, Griffin & Howe acquired a small collection of finished SuperBritte OUs plus several 12-gauge SuperBritte action/barrel sets. I think the SuperBritte you see here is one of the original, completed guns in the batch Griffin & Howe’s acquired.

SuperBritte – Side Opening – 16 ga – OU – Shotgun: Ejectors: Yes, Trigger: Double, Grip: Straight Grip, Forend: Checkered Lop: 15 3/8 “, Pad thickness: 1 ” ,Type of butt: Leather Covered Pad, Drop comb: 1 1/2 “, Drop heel: 2 3/8 “, Cast amount: 3/8 “, Cast: Off, Weight: 6 lbs, 6 oz Manufactured in: Belgium, Finish: Coin, Overall condition: Very Good, Stock condition: Very Good, Metal condition: Very Good, Stock: Original finish, Metal: Original finish, Type of Case: G&H luggage case, Extra barrels: 0 Barrel info: Gauge: 16 ga, Chamber: 2 3/4 “, Length: 27 1/2 “, Chokes: M/IM, Rib type: Solid, Comments : A very unique side open action. Gun is in very good condition. Price: $30,000