Spring is almost here…

It’s been tough winter here in New England – long, gray, snowy. I’ve had just about enough of it. So I’m glad it’s over 60 degrees out today. The snow is melting away and the ice on the rivers is breaking up. I’m hoping to get my canoe in the water in a couple of weeks.

16 gauge Purdey Extra Finish double barrel shotgun, Kell engraved
16 gauge Purdey Extra Finish double barrel shotgun, Kell engraved

The robins are back in the Boston area, so the woodcock can’t be far behind. I usually find  woodcock in southern Maine towards the end of the March. They seem to work their way up the coast and I know a couple coverts that are right near the ocean.

James Julia’s is having their annual spring firearms auction on 3/14 & 3/15. I’ll be up at the preview next weekend, looking things over. I’m anxious to see this pair of 16 gauge Purdeys as well as this little 28 gauge Francotte.

16 gauge Purdey Extra Finish double barrel shotgun, Kell engraved
16 gauge Purdey Extra Finish double barrel shotgun, Kell engraved

The Purdeys should attract big-money attention from around the world. They’re all original, engraved by Harry Kell, and they have a solid provenance. It will be interesting to see what they bring. I think Julia’s estimate is too high. My guess is that they’ll hammer down for under $100,000. BTW: here’s another Purdey featuring Kell’s work.

The Souther Side-by-Side Spring Classic is coming up at the end of April. I’ve heard that this is a great event and I’m planning to attend this year. I hope to see a lot of nice, vintage double barrel shotguns, say hello to some folks, and do a little shooting. With a little luck, maybe I’ll find something really special like a W. & C. Scott Premier or a long barreled Grant hammergun.

The field trial season get going again in the northeast with the Southern New England Woodcock Championship on March 17th. I’m excited to get out and see some dogs run. I’m hoping to get my girl into at least one trial. She turned 8 this January, so I don’t think she’ll do all that well. But it’s fun to get out and try. And it’s always great to see folks. You can find out more about this trial and other upcoming events at this site.

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