I’ve never been a fan of restoring or refinishing guns. That’s because few people do it right. I’ve seen too many doubles wrecked by ‘smiths who’ve reblacked a set of barrels the wrong way or messed up a gun’s checkering by trying to recut it.
Re-coloring actions is another process very few ‘smiths do right. In this post on The Vintage Gun Journal, author Diggory Haddoke’s talks about why you should think twice before allowing anyone to do it to your gun:

The Case Against New Colours: Does renewing case colours finish the restoration or ruin the gun?
“I’m likely to upset a few people with this article. There are businesses specialising in re-applying case colours to old guns and some of the proponents are quite high-profile. There are also collectors out there reading this who have paid a lot of money to have case-colours re-applied when having an old gun restored…”
Find out more. Read all of Diggory’s post now: The Case Against New Colours: Does renewing case colours finish the restoration or ruin the gun?