Real rare: a beautiful 20 gauge J.P. Sauer Model 45…

J. P.  Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels
J. P. Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels

Here’s a beautiful little double I know very little about. J. P. Sauer is one of Europe’s oldest gunmakers, and I’m guessing they made this side-by-side for the American market. It sure looks awesome. It’s on with a Buy Now price of $16,995 – expensive, but not crazy considering the gun’s quality, condition, and scarcity.

J. P.  Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels: Unbelievable, Grade 45, made in September 1928. Krupp barrel, deep sculptured breeches, side clip, hidden greener, 3rd fastener, fire blued cocking indicator, intercepting sears, hinged front trigger, ebony horn tipped forend with ebony insert behind the very delicately carved and checkered side panels. Semi-pistol grip, horn butt plate, engraved bands at muzzle. Receiver is 100% profusely scroll engraved with 5 highly detailed pheasants on left side and 4 ducks in flight on right side. The bottom of the frame has 2 setters and 2 birds flushing and the balance of it is completely covered in scroll, all interwoven. Perfect untouched screws. 98% color case hardening, scalloped and rebated frame. All of its original wood finish with minor handling marks, but not refinished. This is a very small, lightweight, pre-war gun that is virtually never seen, and possibly the best example of its kind. The quality of workmanship and condition of this gun makes it the very best available. 5lb. 10oz.  14 1/8” x 1 3/8” x 2 1/8”

J. P.  Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels
J. P. Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels
J. P.  Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels
J. P. Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels
J. P.  Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels
J. P. Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels
J. P.  Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels
J. P. Sauer Model 45, box lock, 20ga., 26” barrels
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