Rare, made even rarer: A unique Boss Round Body SxS …

Unique Boss & Co Round Body SxS Shotgun
Unique Boss & Co Round Body SxS Shotgun

Boss & Co Round Body side-by-sides are some of the rarest shotguns in the world. Introduced in 1893, the company has made fewer than 400 of them to date. Over the last 20 years, I’ve come across around a 1/4 of them. The one you see here is the most unique one I’ve seen: Boss & Co. Best Quality SLE 12 bore Rare Round Body

Unique Boss & Co Round Body SxS Shotgun
Unique Boss & Co Round Body SxS Shotgun

While it’s “round”, it still carries some shaping from a standard Boss SxS action. You can see this ahead of the locks and behind the hinge pins. This shaping also continues onto the bottom of the action.

Unique Boss & Co Round Body SxS Shotgun, showing the unusual bead field into the action
Unique Boss & Co Round Body SxS Shotgun, showing the unusual bead field into the action

Why is this extra shaping there? I’ve seen Belgian shotguns with similar rounded actions like this. Maybe the person who commissioned this gun saw guns like that, too, and asked Boss to make him a similar pair. Or maybe the person wanted a Boss Round Body with a personal spin?

Unique Boss & Co Round Body SxS Shotgun, showing the unusual bead field into the action

Of course, the Boss tradesman who filed up the action may have just finished the gun this way. Boss was a quirky gunmaker, and it’s not uncommon to see variations in their actions that make little sense — other than they may have pleased the man building the gun.

For reference, here’s a standard Boss Round Body:

Standard Boss Round Body SxS Sidelock Shotgun
Standard Boss Round Body SxS Sidelock Shotgun
Standard Boss Round Body SxS Sidelock Shotgun
Standard Boss Round Body SxS Sidelock Shotgun