Rare C Grade Lefever 12 gauge on the market…

Here’s a shotgun you don’t see very often: a 12 gauge C-grade Lefever side-by-side.

Of all the American double barrels, Lefevers are my favorite. Just look at the sculpting on the action, the engraving, the horn inlays on the stock, and that cool clamshell forend release.

12 gauge Lefever C grade side by side shotgun
12 gauge Lefever C grade side by side shotgun

The only problem with Lefevers is finding a good one. Anything above an E grade is hard to find. When good examples do come on the market, they’re gone pretty fast. I’m sure this gun will be sold soon.

12 gauge Lefever C grade side by side shotgun
12 gauge Lefever C grade side by side shotgun
12 gauge Lefever C grade side by side shotgun
12 gauge Lefever C grade side by side shotgun
12 gauge Lefever C grade side by side shotgun
12 gauge Lefever C grade side by side shotgun
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