Project Upland presents: A Deutsch Kurzhaar (German Shorthair) Story …

Deutsch Kurzhaar (German Shorthair) in the field. Pic from
Deutsch Kurzhaar (German Shorthair) in the field. Pic from

I’m a die-hard Pointer fan. Always will be.

But I know my favorite bird dog breed is not for everyone. For some folks and some situations, German Shorthairs can be a better fit.

David Trahan is the owner of On-Point Kennel in Deerfield, NH. He also a hunting guide, a lifelong member of NAVHDA, and, most importantly, a breeder, trainer, and lover of Deutsch Kurzhaars.

In this film from Project Upland, you can find out more about him and learn why he thinks so highly of these dogs.

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