Online auction alert: 20g Beretta 686 Onyx, no reserve….

Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels
Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels

Here’s another chance to get a great deal on one of the finest all-around upland guns out there. This Beretta 686 Onyx is on now. The online auctions ends today, 11/9/2020, @ 1:33 PM.

Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels
Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels

When I was a kid, I lusted for one of these. I’m certain the guys counter at L.L. Bean’s old hunting store were sick of me asking to see one every time I was in there (which was a lot). Eventually I bought one, and I’ve had a 686 in my safe for 20+ years now. From Maine to Montana, I’ve killed everything from ruffed grouse and huns to pheasants with one, and I’ve never had a mechanical issue of been let down.

Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels. SK, SK, IC, M, F. 3 inch chambers. Single selective trigger. Ejectors. 14 5/8″ LOP factory Beretta pad. 6 lbs 6 oz. Excellent condition and bore.

Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels
Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels
Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels
Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels
Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels
Beretta 686 Onyx 20ga. 26 1/2 inch barrels
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