On Ebay now: an original 1937 “The Parker Gun” shotgun catalog…

1937 Parker Double Barrel Shotgun Catalog
1937 Parker Double Barrel Shotgun Catalog

Old gun catalogs from the original makers are one of the best places to learn about vintage shotguns. This Parker shotgun catalog on Ebay now is one of the nicest the company every produced. It’s also one of the most detailed and informative. If you’re really into Parker shotguns, it’s a must have.

This catalog is from 1937 – so well into Parker’s Remington period. I think it’s the final retail catalog Parker/Remington ever produced. With nice pictures, long descriptions and big pages (the catalog measures 11″ x 8 1/2″), it’s also one of the best. Ever single Parker shotgun available at the time is featured – from the A1 Special to single barrel Parker Trap guns. There are also accessories like butt pads and detailed instructions for ordering a new Parker side by side.

On the collector’s market, a catalog like this is a $400-$475 item, so if you can get this one for any less than that you’re going well. The auctions end on Feb 07, 2013 @ 17:30:18 PST, so get on it now.

Here’s part of the description of it from the seller’s listing:

1937 Parker Double Barrel Shotgun Catalog
1937 Parker Double Barrel Shotgun Catalog

“This is a all original Parker Gun Catalogue from when Remington took over production. The catalogue is in excellent condition with minimal wear , one small tear on one page…The catalog has all of the information when one was going to order one of these fine shotguns. It includes all of the grades from A1 Special to Trojan. It describes each grade in detail…”

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