On Ebay now: a beautiful Heiser leg o’mutton shotgun case…

H.H. Heiser Leg O'Mutton Double Barrel Shotgun Case
H.H. Heiser Leg O’Mutton Double Barrel Shotgun Case on Ebay

If you follow this blog at all, you know how much I like H.H. Heiser’s shotgun. From 1874 – 1955, the Hermann H. Heiser Saddlery Co. of Denver, Co., made some of the finest saddles, shooting accessories, and leather goods in the country.

Today, items by H.H. Heiser’s s are very collectible. The leather, basketweave leg o’mutton you see here was one of Heiser’s more popular products, and I can’t imagine a classier was to transport and protect a vintage side-by-side shotgun.

Most leg o’mutton cases were made with a thin leather exterior, a cardboard middle to give the case its shape, and a lightweight wool lining. But not Heisers. Their cases are made from saddle-grade leather throughout, and the finishing on all the details is excellent. And that’s why these cases command such premium prices today.

H.H. Heiser Leg O'Mutton Double Barrel Shotgun Case
H.H. Heiser Leg O’Mutton Double Barrel Shotgun Case
H.H. Heiser Leg O'Mutton Double Barrel Shotgun Case
H.H. Heiser Leg O’Mutton Double Barrel Shotgun Case
H.H. Heiser Leg O'Mutton Double Barrel Shotgun Case
H.H. Heiser Leg O’Mutton Double Barrel Shotgun Case
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