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It looks like the the Kittery Trading Post in Kittery, Maine, used a Freedom of Access Act request to obtain an email list from Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife:

If I want them to have my email, I'll give it to them.
If I want them to have my email, I'll give it to them.

Dear Friend of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife:

The Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife periodically sends out informational emails to our online customers. We only send these emails out to customers who have indicated that they would like to receive them.

Recently, we had a Freedom of Access Act request from Kittery Trading Post for our customer email address list. The Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) is a law that requires a state agency to provide public records to anyone upon request. As required by this law, we have recently provided our customer email address list to Kittery Trading Post per their Freedom of Access Act request. We apologize in advance for any issues the release of this list may cause you.

The list contains only email addresses, no other personal data is on the list. The following list of frequently asked questions and their answers will hopefully answer any further questions you have on this issue.

1). Has IF&W made any attempt to change the Freedom of Access Act to protect the privacy of customer email addresses?

Last year IF&W proposed legislation that would have protected the email addresses of our customers from being obtained through the Freedom of Access Act. Unfortunately, this legislation was not passed by the legislature.

2). What can I do to keep my email address from being obtained through a Freedom of Access Act request?

At any time, you can request that IF&W remove your email address from our list of customer email addresses and we will do so. Also, each time you receive an email from us, there is option at the bottom of the email to unsubscribe from our email list. Unfortunately, doing so will also mean that you will no longer receive informational emails from the Department.

3). Is there anything I can do to get the privacy of IF&W customer emails protected from FOAA requests?

The Freedom of Access Act does allow for exceptions. However, these exceptions must be specifically provided for in law. If you feel strongly about having your email address protected from access through FOAA requests, we recommend that you talk with your local Maine legislator and share your concerns with them.

4). How can I learn more about the Freedom of Access Act?

You can find extensive information about the Freedom of Access Act at

Your Friends at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

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