More puppy pics! Our new pointer is getting big….

Here are the latest pics of the puppies. These pics were taking a few days ago when the pups were 25 days old. They should be starting on solid food soon.

These pups are from Superior Pointers’s Striking Elhew Rex x Striking Elhew Haley. They’re all females. My wife and I are loving that little yellow girl. The wife has picked a name, too: Lexey – a nice tribute to the parents.

Striking Elhew Rex X Striking Elhew Haley pups, Spring 2014
Striking Elhew Rex X Striking Elhew Haley pups, Spring 2014
Striking Elhew Rex X Striking Elhew Haley pups, Spring 2014
Striking Elhew Rex X Striking Elhew Haley pups, Spring 2014
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