More pics of a super rare Lefever 20g Lefever 20 gauge BE shotgun…

20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun
20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun

High-grade Lefevers are special shotguns. The Bs, As, AAs, Optimus-grades and Thousand-Dollar Grades guns made by Uncle Dan’s company are some of the finest side-by-sides ever made in America. The Lefever you see here is a 20 gauge BE – one of just six B-grade 20 gauge Lefevers known –  and an excellent example of just how nice these upper-grade doubles could be.

B-grade Lefevers were expensive shotguns. In 1883, Lefever listed it for $200, and it continued to cost that until at least 1913. It’s estimated that Lefever built around a thousand B grades, and each one was a custom made shotguns. According to the book “Uncle Dan. Master Gunmaker” by Robert Elliott, Lefever’s 1904-1905 catalog stated the following about them:

20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun
20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun

“B” GRADE – $200. Fitted with Automatic Shell Ejector – $215. This is one of our best guns and a popular one with sportsman. We furnish it with English Damascus or Krupp Steel barrels, either being of superior style and of great strength. We fit this gun with a handsome English walnut stock; straight grip, one-half pistol or full pistol grip, horn cap; gold-plated triggers and indicators; horn butt plate. It has the Lefever full compensating action. The engraving is an appropriate hunting scene, as shown on lock=plate, elegantly executed. Richly checkered and finished; ten, twelve, sixteen, and twenty gauge.”


20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun
20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun
20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun
20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun
20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun
20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun
20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun
20 gauge Lefever BE double barrel sxs shotgun


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