Making sense of scent…

Bird scent – I can’t see and I can’t smell it. But when it comes to upland hunting with girl, it’s important that I understand how works. With that in mind, I’ve been trying to learn more about how scent works and how weather affects it. This recent post from Steady with Style does a good job of summing things up.

“Bird dogs use the wind to hunt and find birds. Hunters use the wind to determine the best approach to birdy objectives, and dog trainers like us use it to help our dogs navigate a variety of bird set-ups. Basically, there are four wind situations: upwind, downwind, crosswind, and no wind…”

Read the entire post on Martha Greenlee’s excellent “Steady with Style” blog.

Here’s a short video of a GSP working the scent on a running pheasant:

Here’s a cool look at a search-and-rescue dogs working a “scent cone” to locate its handler:

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