Locks on a Purdey and a Hussey…

The locks on a sidelock shotgun are a lot like the mechanics on a nice watch: intricate, precise, beautifully made, and rarely seen. That’s too bad, because they’re something to be appreciated.

So to that end, here’s a quick look at two of the most famous styles of locks ever made: the Beesley and the Holland & Holland.

The first two pics are of Beesley-patent locks off of a Purdey pigeon gun. Check out how big the main spring is. This is because the spring performs two duties: it fires the lock and cocks it. These locks are cocked, btw.

Beesley lock off a Purdey pigeon gun
Beesley lock off a Purdey pigeon gun
Beesley-patent locks off a Purdey pigeon gun
Beesley-patent locks off a Purdey pigeon gun

This next pair of locks is off of a Hussey shotgun. I think they’re pretty straightforward H&H 1894-patent style.

H&H style locks off a Hussey shotgun
H&H style locks off a Hussey shotgun

To read more about these locks and the see a detailed discussion of their parts and evolution, check out this chapter from Steven Dodds Hughes book Double Guns and Custom Gunsmithing.

Pic of the Hussey locks are courtesy of VintageShotgun.com.