It’s time to sell ! The gun market’s hot again …

Lot 5026: Early 20 Gauge Belgian Browning Superposed Shotgun with Case
Lot 5026: Early 20 Gauge Belgian Browning Superposed Shotgun with Case

[Absolutely nuts!] was what my friend’s text said.

He was talking about an early 20g Belgian Browning Superposed with case in Rock Island Auction’s last sale. The OU had just hammered down for $7,000 ($8,050 all in) against an estimate of $2,000 – $3,000.

High prices popped up throughout the sale. A This refinished 20g A.H. Fox Sterlingworth Ejector Double Barrel Shotgun sold for a total of $3450 (estimate was $800 – $1,300).

Lot 6626: A.H. Fox Sterlingworth Ejector Double Barrel Shotgun
Lot 6626: A.H. Fox Sterlingworth Ejector Double Barrel Shotgun

And this Arrieta La Paloma Sidelock 28 Gauge Shotgun with Case brought $4,888 with the premium. Estimate? $2,750 – $4,250.

Lot 3092, an Arrieta La Paloma Sidelock 28 Gauge Shotgun with Case
Lot 3092, an Arrieta La Paloma Sidelock 28 Gauge Shotgun with Case

Rock Island wasn’t the only place where prices were strong. On, this 12g Fox Sterlingworth sold for $3,650.

12g Fox Sterlingworth sold for $3,650 on Sunday, 2/7
12g Fox Sterlingworth sold for $3,650 on Gunbroker, Sunday, 2/7

So what does this pop in demand mean? It means if you have guns (or gun-related items like cases), now’s the time to turn them into cash.

The market for many SxSs and OUs has been sluggish, especially for 12 gauges and shooter-grade guns. A lot of people have been sitting on the sidelines, waiting for interest to return.

From what I’m seeing, that interest is back, and it’s driving more demand — and higher prices — for these guns.

If you’re looking to sell and wondering about the best ways to do it, leave me a comment or send an email:

Boss O/Us: shotgun on top, double rifle on bottom
Two Boss O/Us I helped a client sell: A .410 shotgun on top, a magnificent double rifle on bottom

I’ve advised people on how to get absolute top dollar for everything from high-grade Charles Dalys and Parker DHE Skeet guns to Woodward OUs and some of the finest (and most valuable) Bosses to hit the market in the last 15 years.

A super rare Woodward round-body OU. I helped a client sell it for top dollar.
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