It’s official: Now is the time to sell your guns …

12g Fox Sterlingworth sold for $3,650 on Sunday, 2/7
12g Fox Sterlingworth sold for $3,650 on Sunday, 2/7

At the start of this year, I had a feeling at the gun market was picking up again. I asked some dealers, checked with some friends, and they said they said the same thing: “Demand’s back!”

That’s when I put up this post:

It’s time to sell ! The gun market’s hot again …

A year ago, I wouldn’t have imagined this boxlock selling for more $4500. But guess what, it sold for $8000 a few weeks ago:

Griffin & Howe Boxlock shotgun built for the President of Packard Motor Co. Sold for $8,000!!
Griffin & Howe Boxlock shotgun built for the President of Packard Motor Co. Sold for $8,000!!

ALVAN MACAULEY “President of Packard Motor Co.” Griffin & Howe Boxlock

Guns aren’t the only things that are hot, either. The New York Times just reported that all sorts of collectibles are booming, from Rolexes to Nikes:

So if you’ve been thinking selling some guns, now’s the time to do it.

Turn them into cash today.

Wondering where to sell your guns — or any other collectibles — and how to get the best prices for them? I can help.

Learn how. Drop me an email at:

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