Incredible 28g Boss O/U and SxS set coming to auction…

28 gauge Boss O/U Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Boss O/U Double Barrel Shotgun

I’ve gushed about Boss shotguns before. Now I’m going to do it again. Boss & Co. has built some of the finest shotguns in the world. The two you see here are about as rare and fantastic as they come. They’re both coming up in James D. Julia’s March 2014 auction.

These guns are a consecutively serial numbered set (9018 & 9019), and both were ordered on the same day in 1955. They’re all original and they match their original specs 100%.

28 gauge Boss SxS Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Boss SxS Double Barrel Shotgun

The Boss O/U was patented in 1909. To date Boss & Co. has made just over of five hundred of them. Around twenty have been 28 gauges. The other gun is just as rare. Of the 3,975 or so side-by-sides Boss & Co has built since John Robertson took over the company in 1891, around twenty-five have been 28 gauges.

That means the two doubles you see are some of the rarest shotguns ever made by Boss. As a true set, they’re spectacular and one of kind.

Pics courtesy James D. Julia Auctioneers.

28 gauge Boss O/U Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Boss O/U Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Boss O/U Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Boss O/U Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Boss SxS Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Boss SxS Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Boss SxS Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Boss SxS Double Barrel Shotgun
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