Style is something I want to see in a shotgun, especially in Best-quality doubles. I like to see a SxS or an O/U that has a distinct look, one that a maker has developed and made his own. This is one reason why I like Purdeys, Bosses, Hollands, and Woodwards. These makers created their own styles, and from the engraving patterns to the shape of the stocks and the profile of the actions and fences, their guns are distinct in many ways.
The guns you see here are also distinct. They were built in Italy by Fabio Zanotti, and even though they’re Holland & Holland-pattern sidelocks and they show a ton of British influence, they have a look that’s is all their own. Check out the shaping of the actions, the engraving, the lockplates, the bow of the triggerguard, and even the stocks. Very unique, and an indication of just how much attention went into making these fine guns. BTW: here’s a similar pair of 12g Zanotti boxlocks showing the same style. I think these guns are a great deal…
Fabio Zanotti 12g Sidelock SxS: 27 ¾” Mod/Imp Mod. 6lbs., 10oz. 15x 1 ½” x 1 ½” x 2 ¾”. Magnificent matched pair of Fabio Zanotti special ordered highest grade full side locks guns. These guns were made for Franklin Delano Roosevelt son and have on the case in gold ovals FDR Jr. Straight grip, checker butts, splinter forend AE. Mat rib. Whitworth steel barrels, consecutive serial numbers. Gold one and two on each gun. Magnificently engraved with bold scroll Pierced top level hinge front trigger. 50% case color remains on each gun. Near perfect wood and blue, possible old refinish, but extreme high quality work. Outstanding guns, a great opportunity to purchase the very best shotguns that can be made.
6lbs. 10oz. 15 ½” x 1 ½” x 2 ¾” Price: $52,500.00 Pair