Goodbye, little girl…

Me & Puck, back when she won the Gundog Stake at the Maine Bird Dog Club's spring trial
Me & Puck, back when she won the Gundog Stake at the Maine Bird Dog Club’s spring trial
Puck passed away today at 11:17am. I’m too shaken up right now to say much more. Yesterday was tough day for us, and so was last night and this morning. Puck seemed fine on Saturday, but by last evening she had lost most of the use of her hind legs. By this morning she was unable to stand up, and she whined and cried whenever I tried to move her. Good by, little girl…

Sleeping with Puck last night, our last evening together
Sleeping with Puck last night, our last evening together

I shot this videos just over a week ago. Puck and I were out looking for spring woodcock. I thought we would get out several more times this spring, but fate decided this would be our last day in the field together.

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