Good gun alert: nice looking 28 gauge side by side…

28 gauge Belgian Double Barrel Shotgun
28 gauge Belgian Double Barrel Shotgun

I’ve always wanted a 28-gauge shotgun. I’m not sure why. Twenty-eight gauge ammo is expensive, and light 20g loads are as effective (and cheaper). But when it comes to wanting something,  I usually don’t let things like sound reasoning and sense get in the way.

So if I had the money, I’m know I could talk myself into buying this Belgian 28 gauge. It looks like a quality gun, probably pre-WW2, and with a longish, straight-hand stock and 27″ bbls, I’m know I could make it work for me. In fact, I bet it would perfect for wooodcock, and I’ve heard that the 28 gauge is very versatile, so I bet I could carry it all season. And come to think of it, If I sold an old 16 gauge I could probably get it for nothing…


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