Slim pickings this week. It looks like there are a few double barrel shotguns coming up on Saturday and Sunday at these auctions, including a few Lefevers and a Parker GH.
I don’t have any pics of the side-by-sides. Links to all the info I have is below.
Kenneth P. Leiby Auction Service in Richland, PA, has a couple of doubles, including a Lefever, an Ithaca, and a Parker GHE.
Trout Auctioneers, Inc, in Thurmont, MD, has some interesting stuff. They list some shotguns, but the info on the guns in minimal. Their listing is just enough of a tease to make me curious.
These guys have a 20 Lefever: Chism Auction Company, New Albany, MS. Before you start breathing heavy, it’s an Ithaca gun.
Next Tuesday, these guys are auctioning off Lefever Nitro Specials in 16 gauge and 20 gauge: It looks like it’s an online auction.
These guys auctually have a decent Parker VH and some nice L.C. Smiths side by sides, including a 20 gauge: House Auction, Co. The auction is online. Here’s the complete catalog.