If you’re looking for a 28 gauge O/U, here’s one that looks like a great deal.
These shotguns were built in Italy by Battista Rizzini, imported by SIGARMS, and sold through L.L. Bean for a few years – I think from around 2003-2004. This one is a TR-20 (same as B. Rizzini’s Aurum Classic) and it features an action machined from a solid block of alloy steel and hard-chromed bores.
L.L. BEAN New Englander Over-Under 28g, 28” barrels: Nicely figured round knob stock with thin black Pachmayr pad, single selective trigger, automatic ejectors, ventilated rib, 100% case coloring, bluing, and wood finish, lightly used, light and well balanced gun, at 6 lbs 2oz ( on my scale) with a long length of pull, includes upgraded factory case and 5 choke tubes. A great little upland gun. 14 7/8” x 1 ¼” x 2 ¼”. 6lbs. 3oz. Price: $1800 shipped