Good gun alert: A great looking 16 gauge Merkel O/U…

Merkel 16 Gauge 200E O/U Shotgun
Merkel 16 Gauge 200E O/U Shotgun

If you’re looking for a nice O/U, here’s a 16 gauge German double that deserves your attention. This Merkel was made in 1951, and even though it’s 60+ years old, it looks pretty much new. These older Merkel over-unders are solid and incredibly well made. Even though they look a little beefy, they are surprisingly nimble shotguns.

This one weighs just over 6lbs — lighter than a lot of modern 20s — and with 28″ barrels, double triggers, and high dimensions, it would be perfect for upland hunting.

I think Merkel introduced their 200-line of O/U shotguns right after WW2.  The 200s were built on triggerplate-style, Blitz actions and used double Kersten locks (with no underbolt) to lock up. The E in 200E stands for Ejectors. Even though the 200 were one of the least expensive O/Us Merkel offered, they were still pricey. Comparable models offered in the ’20s cost as much as a new 12g A.H. Fox XE. Personally, I think the Merkels were the better shotgun.

Merkel 16 Gauge 200E O/U Shotgun
Merkel 16 Gauge 200E O/U Shotgun

Merkel 16 Gauge 200E O/U Shotgun: Circa. 4/51 Proof Date. Overall in Excellent Condition.
Both blue and case color remain at 98-99%. Bores are in perfect condition. Chokes at Mod and Full with a weight at 6 lbs. 3.3 oz. make this an easy to carry pheasant gun with the performance to take care of the task.

Merkel 16 Gauge 200E O/U Shotgun
Merkel 16 Gauge 200E O/U Shotgun

Gauge: 16 gauge

Barrels: 28″ w/orig. 2 3/4″ Chambers & Solid Rib

Chokes: Mod & Full

Action: Merkel-Kersten Lock

Stock: European Walnut

Merkel 16 Gauge 200E O/U Shotgun
Merkel 16 Gauge 200E O/U Shotgun

Butt: Packmayr Pad with Leather Face

LOP: 14 1/2 to hinged front trigger

Weight: 6 lbs. 3.3 oz.

Stock Dimensions: 1 3/8 x 2 3/8 x 14 1/2 with 3/16 cast off

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