The firm of Auguste Francotte & Cie made a ton of guns, pistols, rifles, and especially shotguns. The company started out around 1805 and by the end of the 19th century and up in to the 1950s, their shotguns were imported into this country by Schoverling Daly & Gales and then Abercrombie & Fitch. The shotguns these companies brought in ranged from plain, “Knockabout” models like this and went all the way to ultra-fancy examples like this sidelock .410.
They also brought in the one you see here. This one looks to me like a Grade 14E. Even though this one of the lower-grade boxlocks that Shoverling, Daly, & Gales imported, it was still a very well made shotgun. In it day it was probably as pricey as a higher grade Foxes L.C. Smiths. Here’s the rest of the info on it from the seller:

Auguste Francotte Pre-War Original Premium Grade BL model: Baby Frame 410ga., 2 bbl. set,. #1 bbl.,30″ tapered swamp rib, double ivory choked F/IM, #2bbl. factory original 26″ tapered swamp rib, double ivory choked SK/SK, 1 forearm, Anson & Deely action, DT’s, auto ejectors, fancy English scroll engraving on 40% CC left side baby frame, 4 1/2 lbs., exotic Bastogne Black Forrest walnut straight stock, 28 line checkering W/ checkered side panels, 15″ LOP over solid leather pad, 1″ total drop modern shooting specs, 98% blue bbls., 20% – 30% OA original CC, lightest of handling, ,hickory cleaning rod, snap caps, oil bottle, cased & ready for field. Price: $14,999.00.