Good Gun Alert: a 12g Verney-Carron sidelock shotgun…

12g Verney-Carron Sidelock Ejector Double Barrel Shotgun
12g Verney-Carron Sidelock Ejector Double Barrel Shotgun

Price and quality aren’t always linked together in the gun world. You can pay a lot for a mediocre shotgun, and you can pay a little to get a great double.  The little/great scenario is the case with this 12 gauge sidelock side-by-side by Verney-Carron. At just $1,795, it looks like top quality at a rock-bottom price.

Verney-Carron is one of Europe’s oldest gunmakers. Founded in 1820, they’re  one of few old-school, Euro makers around today. The reason for this longevity is simple: they make nice guns.

12g Verney-Carron Sidelock Ejector Double Barrel Shotgun
12g Verney-Carron Sidelock Ejector Double Barrel Shotgun

The shotgun pictured here is a true sidelock and it also has ejectors. The 27″ barrels are made of Verney-Carron’s top grade “Acier Diamant” (Diamond Steel), and the shotgun is stocked with a nice piece of walnut. Best of all, it weighs just 6 3/4 lbs – just right for an all around game gun.

12g Verney-Carron Sidelock Ejector Double Barrel Shotgun
12g Verney-Carron Sidelock Ejector Double Barrel Shotgun

So why is it so cheap? In France, shooters know and respect the Verney-Carron name. Over here, that’s not true. And because most guys buy names, shotguns by unknown makers are hard to sell (and cheap to buy).

BTW: check out this video on gunmaking from Verney-Carron. It’s a fascinating look at how much time and skill goes into a quality double-barrel rifle and shotgun.

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