Good gun alert: 16g Parker VH, O frame, lots of original condition…

16 gauge Parker Bros. VH SxS Double Barrel Shotgun, 28"
16 gauge Parker Bros. VH SxS Double Barrel Shotgun, 28″
16 gauge Parker Bros. VH SxS Double Barrel Shotgun, 28"
16 gauge Parker Bros. VH SxS Double Barrel Shotgun, 28″

Take a good look at the 16g Parker double you see here. I bet it will be gone soon – and for good reason. As a 16 gauge on a O frame, it’s hard to find and one of the best grouse guns ever made in America. It also has excellent dimensions, with just 2″ D@C.

Here’s more about it from the seller.

16 gauge Parker Bros. VH SxS Double Barrel Shotgun, 28″: A splendid high condition Parker VH 16 ga. on the small O frame. The 28″ full choke barrels were 3#3ounce pre strike. The frame has 80-90& original case color on the exterior and near 100% in protected and interior locations. The blue is 90% or better with some rub marks. The wood has a few very minor handling marks. The screws appear unturned. The gun was made in 1910 and exists in exceptional condition. Original hard rubber butt plate, (1 small spilt near upper screw hole. Bore are mint. Capped pistol grip 14″ LOP, 1 1/14″ DAC 2″ DAH. A spectacular find and very collectable. Price: $3,600

16 gauge Parker Bros. VH SxS Double Barrel Shotgun, 28"
16 gauge Parker Bros. VH SxS Double Barrel Shotgun, 28″
16 gauge Parker Bros. VH SxS Double Barrel Shotgun, 28"
16 gauge Parker Bros. VH SxS Double Barrel Shotgun, 28″


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