Good deals on a nice looking doubles in 28 gauge & .410…

Dumoulin .410 Side-by-Side Double Barrel Shotgun
Dumoulin .410 Side-by-Side Double Barrel Shotgun

Small bores are THE shotguns to have today. For every 12 gauge I come across, I must see a dozen twenties. The smaller gauges are also popular, and I know lots of guys who snap up any decent 28g  or .410s they can find.

This demand has popped the prices on the real small gauges, So when I saw this 28 gauge and .410,  I thought “Shit, those look like pretty good deals.”

Take a look for yourself and let me know what you think.BTW: all info is from the sellers

When’s the last time you saw a decent .410 SxS for this kind of money:

Dumoulin .410 Side-by-Side Double Barrel Shotgun
Dumoulin .410 Side-by-Side Double Barrel Shotgun

Dumoulin Boxlock .410: 14″ LOP To Plate, 28″ BBLS. Price: $975.00. The action is clean, coin finish, double triggers, strong blue on the plate and furniture. The barrels are 28″ with good blue and bores 2 1/2″ chamber. The stock is a straight hand/ Splinter with a 14″ lop to a steel plate, 2 1/4″ drop at heel, 1 1/2″ drop at comb, the wood is worn with handling marks throughout and has been pinned at the head. The pin is solid and could be cleaned up. A nice little gun for a project. 4lbs 15oz

And looks like short money for a modern, nearly new 28g O/U. I love the straight grip, too:


Browning Citori 28 gauge O/U Double Barrel Shotgun
Browning Citori 28 gauge O/U Double Barrel Shotgun

Browning Citori Lightweight 28 GA: 26″ bbls, 2 3/4″ chambers, Mod & Full, Excellent wood & metal finishes, Single Selective Trigger, Straight grip. 14 1/8″ LOP to butt plate.

Browning Citori 28 gauge O/U Double Barrel Shotgun
Browning Citori 28 gauge O/U Double Barrel Shotgun
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