If you care about upland and waterfowl hunting in states like Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, you need to get behing the Protect Our Prairies Act now.
Representatives Kristi Noem (R-SD), Tim Walz (D-MN), and six bipartisan co-sponsors introduced the Protect Our Prairies Act.
Here’s a but more about it from Ducks Unlimited’s interview of Rep Noem and Re. Walz:
DU: You recently introduced the Protect Our Prairies Act. Tell us what it does and why it’s important.
Rep. Noem: Well it’s a great bill, everybody should vote for it. We’re hoping that what it essentially does it is treats our native prairie in a special manner to where it reduces the crop insurance coverage for the first four years that it’s farmed. It will encourage producers to really recognize that it is special land. Hopefully, it will keep more land in grass and also save our taxpayers about $200 million if it’s implemented nationwide.
Rep. Walz: It’s a smart bill and I’m grateful to the Congresswoman. Both of us, we share similar geography out there and while our producers are great stewards of the land, we also share that land with our sportsmen and making sure we have those resources available. I think that it’s just smart, it saves money and allows our producers to make the choices on their own land but also recognizes that need to preserve it for future generations.
You can read more about the bill here, from the Chicago Tribune, and also here, from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.