Found! The perfect Fox Sterlingworth for a project…

16 gauge Fox Sterlingworth, 30" bbls
16 gauge Fox Sterlingworth, 30″ bbls

We live in an off-the-rack world. But you’re one of a kind, right? So sometimes it’s nice to have something that’s made just for you. I think that explains some of the popularity behind upgraded and customized classic American shotguns. Gunsmiths like Dewey Vicknair and Dennis Potter have earned a following for this kind of work. When you see the guns they’re creating, it’s easy to understand why.

A Fox Sterlingworth is an excellent platform for this kind of work. Upgraded or made into something fully custom, a Sterlie is a simple, elegant shotgun that can be taken in a lot of directions. With a little work, the one you see here could be turned into the perfect grouse and upland gun. With a lot of work, it could be turned into your own custom masterpiece, a shotgun that is as close to perfect as you care to make it.

Here’s more about this SxS from the seller:

16 gauge Fox Sterlingworth, 30" bbls
16 gauge Fox Sterlingworth, 30″ bbls

A H Fox Phil. Sterlingworth 16 Gauge 30″ Barrels: Choked Extra Full & Full, Excellent Blue, Mirror Bores. On face, locks up like a vault. No case color. Pistol grip stock, splinter forearm, excellent wood and checkering. Original grip cap and butt plate. 1 3/4″ X 3 1/4″ X 14 1/8″, 6 1/4lbs. Made in 1916 Price: $1350.00

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