Drop Off Day, sad to see my girl go..

Every August I take Puck up to Wildwind Kennels for physical conditioning and tuning up. We headed up to central Maine yesterday to kick off this year’s training camp. While we were there, Jim and the guys were running spaniels and doing some dog work. They were kind enough to ask me along and we had a great time. On the way home, Puck and managed to find a few birds on our own. Puck handled them like the old pro she has become.

I’ve been working with Jim Keller and his Wildwind Kennels since 2005 and he has done a great job with her. He’s taught me a lot, too. If you’re looking for a trainer, I can’t recommend him highly enough.

Because I’m having issues with my blog, you’ll have to click here to see the pics. Enjoy.


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