Daily Double: a 12 gauge W.J. Jeffrey with heavy proofs…

W.J. Jeffrey Boxlock Ejector Shotgun
W.J. Jeffrey Boxlock Ejector Shotgun

Ninety percent of the double barrel British shotguns we come across are standard UK 12 gauges. They weigh 6 1/2 – 6 3/4lbs, they have 2 1/2″ chambers, and they’re proofed for 1 1/8 ounces of shot.

That’s what makes this double barrel special. With original 2 3/4″ chambers and being proofed for 1 1/4″oz of shot, it’s  was built for heavier loads. Think of it as a British light-magnum, and at 7.5lbs it weighs about as much as regular American 12g like a Fox Sterlingworth.

A shotgun like this Jeffrey was probably made for shooting wood pigeons and smaller wildfowl. Today, it would be a great gun on wild pheasants or sporting clays.


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