Comparing double rifles by Holland & Holland & James Purdey…

A .303 side-by-side double rifle by James Purdey & Sons
A .303 side-by-side double rifle by James Purdey & Sons
Side-by-side double rifles by James Purdey &  Holland & Holland
Side-by-side double rifles by James Purdey & Holland & Holland
Side-by-side double rifle Holland & Holland
Side-by-side double rifle Holland & Holland
Side-by-side double rifles by James Purdey & Holland & Holland
Side-by-side double rifles by James Purdey & Holland & Holland
Extension on a James Purdey & Sons .303 Side by Side Double Rifle
Extension on a James Purdey & Sons .303 Side by Side Double Rifle
Holland & Holland case label, circa 1895
Holland & Holland case label, circa 1895
H&H ammo on left, .303 Purdey ammo on right
H&H ammo on left, .303 Purdey ammo on right
James Purdey & Sons case label, circa 1895
James Purdey & Sons case label, circa 1895

Last week I put up this post about shooting a James Purdey & Sons .303 double rifle. I had a lot of questions about that rifle, and I wanted to share some more pictures of it with you.

I also snapped some pics of a Holland & Holland double rifle that I saw the same day. The H&H was made for a larger cartridge. But because the cartridge was a black-powder load that generated lower pressures, H&H made this rifle much smaller and trimmer.


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