Getting your gundog to focus on you…

A dog’s eye look at pheasant hunting…

Doing it right with a springer spaniel from Silverthorn Gundogs….

Praising your pup: Is there a “best” way?

Using Your Nose, a fun puppy video from Wild Apple Kennels…

Training tip: Does your bird dog like you – or respect you?

Five dos and don’ts of bird dog development…

Slam! You have to see this pointer nail a bird…

Now that’s a good looking pointer. Check her out now…

Breed of the Week: The Württemberger Pointer…

Check him out: It’s another white Weimaraner….

From Steady with Style: Walking Pups, a hunting dog training tip.

Chasing woodcock with my girl…

Steady to wing AND shot: Why it matters….

Breed of the Week: The Majorcan Pointer…

On his way to being a fantastic bird dog..

What do you really need to train bird dogs?

Now these are great looking pointers…

Blank-firing training pistols: are you using it wrong?

In action! Check out this real pretty Pointer…

See some great looking dogs: Orvis’s 2012 Cover Dog Contest….

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