Wow – this is a great looking Irish Setter…

Desert Dogs: Another great photo essay by Craig Koshyk…

Prairie Dogs: A must-see photo essay by Craig Koshyk…

A couple must-reads about birds dogs…

Now here are a some POINTS!

Our season begins…

The gundogs of Downton Abbey…did the producers make a mistake?

Confirmed: Lexi’s not a water dog…

What’s better: neutering at 6 months or holding off?

What to feed your hard-working hunting dog…

The latest on Lexi. She’s growing fast….

The latest on Lexi: newest pics of our puppy…

Raising a pup right: What are your tips?

Introducing Lexi…

New pics of the pups…

Who’s smarter: This Border Collie or your bird dog?

More puppy pics! Our new pointer is getting big….

Letting go, and starting over…..

It’s snake season. Time for venom vaccinations…

Bet your dog can’t do this: A truly versatile spaniel….

Amazing bird dog work from Sweden….

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