Wild quail hunting at Sinkola Plantation…

South Dakota and lots of real wild pheasants…

A good cause for a great bird…

So…does South Dakota stock pheasants?

Finally, an air-freshener I actually like…

Michigan, 1917. Now that’s some grouse…

On Ebay: nice Red Head Leg O’Mutton shotgun case…

Interesting olde timey hunting picture…

Pigeon shooting in South Africa…

You gotta love them woodcock…

Is it October yet????

Be a better shot: try Positive Shooting…

Be a better shot: Part one, the mount….

Saying thanks….

Connecticut turkey and the 8 gauge W. & C. Scott…

The things we do for love…

The birth of the woodcock …

Who needs the NRA?

The other L.C. Smiths…

This could almost be America…

Kid chases grouse, grouse chases kid….

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