Auction Alert: a Parker VH 2-bbl set, maybe a 1/2 frame…

Love doubles & live within 5 hours of Rhode Island?

Auction Alert: A.H. Fox XE, B & C grade double barrel shotguns…

Wow! What a nice looking J. D. Dougall hammergun…

Training wheels on a pair of Purdeys double barrel shotguns…

On Ebay now: Original James Woodward catalog…

Great Gun Alert: Don’t miss this Seelig O/U…

Good gun alert: 20 gauge Ruger Red Label Over/Under…

Good Gun Alert: a 16 gauge Orvis/Arrieta side by side…

On Ebay now: great gun cases…

The Purdey side-by-side, perfected…

A Perfect Purdey…..

Nice looking 16 gauge Sterlingworth…

Great pheasant gun alert: Ithaca/SKB 12 gauge…

Good Gun Alert: a 20 gauge Sigarms Aurora O/U…

On Ebay Now: a couple nice A.H. Fox catalogs…

Sleeper Alert: 12 gauge Otto Seelig O/U at Rock Island…

Daily Doubles, powered by…

Auction Alert: a bunch of nice Brownings…

Auction Alert: 16 gauge A.H. Fox, 30″ bbls, ejectors…

The big bores….

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