Auction alert: a stunning 12 gauge Tula-made “Russian Purdey” double barrel…

Bargain bird guns: This nice double doesn’t cost a fortune…

Is this A-grade Fox 20 gauge really worth $7,600?

This week’s good guns: powered by…

Shotgun barrels – how thin did makers really make them?

Auction alert: a 12 gauge Parker AAH Pigeon Gun…

Good gun alert: a 12 gauge Russell Hillsdon side-by-side with case…

Is FAMARS out of business?

Great looking! A 20 gauge side-by-side by Gastinne Renette…

Take your pick: nearly-new 12 gauge Holland & Holland Royal shotguns…

Good gun alert: a nice J. Dickson & Son boxlock, built for heavy loads…

Wow – a minty Boss & Co 12 gauge O/U shotgun…

Good gun alert: 12 gauge Fox Sterlingworth Skeet & Upland game…

This week’s good guns: powered by

Auction alert: Fox, L.C. Smith, Winchester & Charles Daly O/Us & more…

See it for yourself: a real factory refinish on a 12g Parker VH double…

Good gun alert: A 16 gauge Charles Daly Featherweight…

On now: A rare 20 gauge by A.H. Fox, Philadelphia…

Good deals on a nice looking doubles in 28 gauge & .410…

Worth a closer look: More nice shotguns coming up at Julia’s…

A real surprise at Julia’s: a Merkel 147 SL 20 gauge sidelock shotgun…

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