Great duck gun alert: a 12 gauge Browning BSS with 28″ barrels…

Good gun alert: a 16 gauge A.H. Fox Sterlingworth, 30″ bbls & ejectors…

Auction Alert: Parkers, Ithacas, L.C. Smiths, Lefevers…

Good gun alert: a great 10g V. Chr. Schilling hammer shotgun…

Good gun alert: an awesome 16 gauge J.P. Sauer hammergun…

Auction alert: a nice 16g Fox Sterlingworth with 28″ barrels…

This week’s good guns. Powered by…

Good gun alert: a 12 gauge Beretta 686 Custom…

Auction alert: a 20g A.H. Fox CE Grade, straight grip…

The king of Boss O/Us? This 28 gauge is just $500,000…

Auction alert: a 12 gauge Charles Ingram hammer shotgun…

Good gun alert: a 12 gauge Ruger Stainless Steel O/U…

The week’s good guns, powered by…

Auction alert: a pre-war Krieghoff Neptun “Kurz” drilling…

It’s back: this sexy 28g Adamy O/U is on the market again…

A couple classics: Check out these vintage American Doubles…

A nice little hammergun, from Liege, Belgium…

A heck of a nice shotgun: a .410 side-by-side by F.W. Heym…

This week’s good guns: powered by…

Big $$$$ for this 12 gauge Parker AAH Pigeon Gun…

Good gun alert: a 16 gauge FAIR O/U shotgun – just $1,199.99…

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